domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Song. Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Head and Shoulders knees and toes.

This is a song to learn some parts of the body.

The lyrics of the song is:
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

The movements to follow the song are:

This image is taken from this video (By HooplakidzTv)

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Welcome again!

Welcome again!!
This new year I will include more activities than the previous one. The blog is for students of CEIP "Castillo de Pioz" on 2015/16 but mainly 4th course.
Enjoy it! and  write comments on it but remember that they are moderated so won't appear immediately.

Juan Carlos

¡¡Bienvenidos de nuevo!!
Este nuevo año incluiré mas actividades que el curso pasado. El blog es para los alumnos del colegio "Castillo de Pioz" en el curso 2015/16 y principalmente los de 4º EP.
¡Disfrutadlo! y escribir todos los comentarios que queráis. Recordad que están moderados así que no aparecerán inmediatamente.

Juan Carlos